Java Training Institute in Bangalore

Learn the essentials in Java | For Backend Development Projects such as Big Data and Android

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Java: Most of them say that “if you know C & C++ then you can understand Java”. Java also includes Object-oriented Programming. It is a high-level Programming language. It is mostly for backend development projects, like, big data & Android development. It can be considered easy for beginners. It is a cross-platform program. It is commonly used for desktop computing, mobile computing & numerical computing. Yes, but learning Java is not a piece of cake. You can learn Java in 3 months to get good knowledge, although it would take a lot of time to fully master it. 

J2EE: J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) is a standard platform that is used for developing applications in the enterprise & it is designed for enterprise applications that run on servers. It provides APIs for developers to workflows and makes use of web services & databases. It is used to provide choices for GUI (Graphical User Interface) across a company’s intranet or on the WWW (World Wide Web). It also provides the functionality to develop multi-tiered web-based applications.

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Java Training Institute in Bangalore

Java Training Institute

Core Java: Core Java is a part that covers the basic concepts of Java Programming language that is used for creating or developing a general-purpose application. It comes under Java SE & J2SE. It covers core topics such as OOP’s, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Data abstraction, Encapsulation, String handling, Exception handling, Synchronization, Generics, Collection Framework, Concurrent collection, etc. Core Java is a subset of Java. It is the basic & raw form of java that is used for designing application software for desktops as well as server environments. It is not community-driven. It cannot reduce network usage.


Advanced Java: Advanced Java is the next level of Core Java. It is also a part of the Java Programming language that generally deals with online applications like the website & mobile applications. It only deals with some specialization like Database, Networking, etc. it has some specific sections like Database connectivity, Web services, etc. it is used for Web-based application & enterprise application development platform which follows client & server architecture. It comes under J2EE. Most importantly the APIs defined in Java Enterprise Edition include servlet Programming, Web Services, the Persistence APIs, etc.

Java Training Course Syllabus

Java Training Institute in Bangalore

Java J2EE
Distributed Multitier Applications
J2EE Containers
Web Services Support
Packaging Applications
J2EE 1.4 APIs, SQL
Oracle 10g XE installation
SQL-Basics (DDL, DML, DQL)

Core Java
The Creation of Java
How Java Changed the Internet
The Java Buzzwords
The Evolution of Java
A Culture of Innovation

Advanced Java
Introduction to Enterprise Edition
Distributed Multitier Applications
J2EE Containers
Web Services Support
Packaging Applications
J2EE 1.4 APIs
Oracle 10g XE installation
SQL-Basics (DDL, DML, DQL)

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