Programming Languages Training Course in Bangalore
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C: C is the FIRST & Mother of all Programming languages. If you want to learn the next level and more about other Programming and Coding languages, Start with C.
C++: C++ is based on the traditional C language and includes Data Structures and Object-oriented Programming Language. It is mostly used in developing Games.
Variables & Constants in C & C++
- A variable is a name that is given to a location in the memory of a computer. During program execution, the value stored in the variable can be changed.
- A constant is the values that are fixed & cannot change during the execution of a program.
Operators used in C & C++.
Arithmetic operator: + (add), - (subtract), * (multiply), / (divide).
Relational operator: < (lesser than), > (greater than), <= (lesser than equal to), >= (greater than equal to), == (equal to), != (not equal to).
Logical operator: && (logical AND), || (logical OR), ! (logical NOT).
Bitwise operator: & (bitwise AND), | (bitwise OR), << (bitwise shift left), >> (bitwise shift right).
Assignment operator: += (addition assignment), -= (subtraction assignment), *= (multiplication assignment), /= (division assignment).
Data types in C & C++ are:
- Int, Float, Char, Double, Void, Bool.
- Array, Function, Pointer, Reference.
- Structure, Union, Class, Enumerated, Typedef.
Integer: Integer (int) holds 2 bytes of variable memory. -32768 to 32767 is the range.
Floating: Floating (float) holds 4 bytes of variable memory. 3.4*10-38 to 3.4*1038 is the range.
Character: Character (char) holds 1 byte of variable memory. 0 to 255 is the range.
Double: Double is the modifier of float type. It holds 8 bytes of variable memory. Its range is from 1.7 E-308 to 1.7 E308.
Void: Void is zero or null that is used when a function does not return any value. Example: void main (), void display ().
Boolean: Boolean (bool) handles logical data like true (1) or false (0). Its size is 1 byte.
Array: Array is a homogeneous element that contains a common name for each & every element. There are 3 types of arrays
One-dimensional array: A one-dimensional array is a group of similar types of data elements having the same name & structure.
Two-dimensional array: A two-dimensional array is a group of homogeneous elements structured in 2 dimensions with a common name. It is organised in matrices which can be represented as a collection of rows & columns.
Multi-dimensional array: A multi-dimensional array is an array with more than one element with more or multiple indexes. It is most commonly used in a two-dimensional array, also known as a table or matrix. They are used for storing the data in a tabular manner (consisting of rows & columns).
Function: A function is known as subprograms; these subprograms are modularized when the programs are complex & lengthy.
Pointer: A pointer is the memory address of another variable that is stored.
Reference: A reference is safer than the pointer type inherited from C. It is less powerful.
Structure: A structure is a collection of logically related data elements of same or different types.
Union: A union is a collection of different variables of different data types that share the same memory location. As structure variables, it is created in the same manner. In C language, the keyword “union” is used to define unions.
Class: A class is a template that represents a group of objects which share common properties & relationships. A blueprint for an object makes a class.
Enumerated: Enumerated is a set of values that consists of integral constants. It provides an easy way to work with sets of related constants.
Typedef: Typedef (type definition) is a reserved keyword, a way to assign a new name to the pre-existing data type.
Control statements in C & C++
- If statement: The if statement is a decision-making statement that checks whether an expression is true or false.
- If else statement: The if else statement is used to check whether an expression matches with the first statement or the second statement.
- Nested if statement: The nested if statement is used to nest an unlimited number of if/else statements.
- If else ladder: The if else ladder is used to check a set of multiple statements that matches with the expression.
- Switch statement: The switch statement is used to compare all the cases in the expression.
Looping statements in C & C++
- While loop: The while loop is also known as pre-tested loop. It is used to check the condition that takes place before the execution of statements. As long as the condition is true, the statement is executed. If the condition is false, execution of the statement exits from the loop.
- Do while loop: The do while loop is also known as post tested loop. It is used to check the condition that takes place after the execution of statements. If the condition is true, then the set of statements are executed. If the condition is false, execution of the statement exits from the loop.
- For loop: The for loop is a fixed condition loop. It repeats the execution of statements until the condition is true.
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Programming Languages Training Course in Bangalore
Programming Language Training Institute
Python: In the present time Python has nearly taken over all the computing fields, it is very easy to learn. It has simple syntax compared to other programming languages, but it is slow during compilation compared to C++. It is also an interpreted high-level general-purpose Programming language. It is commonly used in developing websites and software, task automation, data analysis & data visualization. It takes 2 to 6 months to learn the fundamentals of Python. But to master Python’s vast array of libraries, takes months or even years.
Programming Language Training Course Syllabus
Programming Languages Training Course in Bangalore
Session 1: Overview of the Programming
Session 2: Data Type, Constants & Variables
Session 3: Statement
Session 4: Function
Session 5: Pointer
Session 6: Preprocessor
Session 7: Arrays
Session 8: String
Session 9: Structures
Session 10: File Operation
Session 11: Operator & Enum
Session 1: Overview of the programming.
Session 2: Explaining Procedure Oriented Programming Language and Object-Oriented Programming Language.
Session 3: Tokens, Expressions, and Control Structure.
Session 4: Functions.
Session 5: Classes and Objects.
Session 6: Memory Management and pointers.
Session 7: Constructor and Destructor.
Session 8: Operator Overloading and type conversion.
Session 9: Inheritance – extending class.
Session 10: Pointer, Virtual Functions, Polymorphism.
Session 11: Managing Console I/O Operation.
Session 12: Working with files.
Session 13: Templates.
Session 14: Exception Handling.
Session 15: Introducing STL (Standard template library).
Session 16: String Manipulation in C++
Session 17: New Features of C++
Session 1: Introduction to Python Language
Session 2: Python Language Syntax
Session 3: Python Keywords and Identifiers
Session 4: Python Comments
Session 5: Python Variables
Session 6: Python Data Types
Session 7: Python Operators
Session 8: Python Control Flow – Decision Making
Session 9: Python Control Flow – Looping
Session 10: Python Control Flow – Branching
Session 11: Python Numbers
Session 12: Python Strings
Session 13: Python Lists
Session 14: Python Tuples
Session 15: Python Sets
Session 16: Python Dictionaries
Session 17: Python Arrays
Session 18: Python user-defined Functions
Session 19: Python Built-in Functions
Session 20: Python – Modules
Session 21: Python User Input
Session 22: Python File Handling
Session 23: Python Exceptions Handling
Session 24: Regular Expressions
Session 25: Python Classes and Objects
Session 26: Python Methods
Session 27: Python Constructors
Session 28: Python Inheritance
Session 29: Python Polymorphism
Session 30: Python Abstraction
Session 31: Python Encapsulation
Session 32: Database Access
Session 33: Python Multithreading
Session 34: Python Networking Programming
Session 35: Python CGI (Common Gateway Interface) Programming
Session 36: Python GUI Programming