Software Testing Training Course in Bangalore
Learn the essentials of Software Testing | The Difference Between Human Testing and Machine Testing
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Software Testing: Software Testing is the process that evaluates, verifies, identifies the correctness, completeness & quality of the developed computer software or application. It is used for checking whether the actual software product matches the expected requirements & to ensure that it is defect-free. The benefit of testing includes the removal of bugs, improvement in performance & reduction of development costs. It includes a set of activities performed for finding errors in the software before the product could be released to the end-users. Software QA (Quality Assurance) test training typically takes 6-10 weeks.
Software Testing is of 2 types:
Automation Testing, &
Manual Testing
Automation Testing: Automation Testing is simply automated that focuses on replacing manual human activity with systems or devices that enhance the efficiency of software. It is the process of testing software & other tech products to ensure it meets strict requirements. Essentially it is a test to double-check that the equipment or software does exactly what it was designed to do. It tests for bugs, defects & any other issues that can arise without product development. It uses different types of tools, scripts & software to perform test cases by repeating pre-defined actions. The main advantage is that it can run at any time of the day & it can do the repeated tests again as it also saves a lot of time. It uses a scripted sequence to examine the software. It then reports on what’s been found & this information can be compared with the earlier test runs. Automation developers generally write in the following Coding languages such as C#, JavaScript & Programming languages such as Java, Python. The benefits are that it can give detailed reporting capabilities, improve bug detection, make the tests easier, speeds up the testing process, reduce human intervention & save money, in the long run, to become more cost-effective. Popular user testing Frameworks include JUnit for Java & Pytest for Python. Using automation technology also means testing can be done more frequently, improving overall functionality. Most importantly, automation benefits product development.
Manual Testing: Manual Testing is the practice of testing an application & bugs. Without any support from tools or scripts, test cases are executed manually by humans. It requires a tester to play a role of an end-user by which they use most of the application’s features to ensure correct behavior. To generate completeness of testing, the tester often follows a written test plan that leads them through a set of important test cases. In Manual Testing, most bugs are caught & feature issues before the software application goes live, it is a low-cost operation as no software tools are used & judgments and observations are done by humans in a better way than automated tools that give an advantage to it. It ensures whether the application is working or not, as mentioned in the requirement document. A tester checks, demonstrates tests & declares the key features of a software application. Specialized automation tools are not required by Analysts to execute test cases & develop summary error reports. Even application testing happens manually. Comparing the behavior of a developed piece of code (Software, module, API, feature, etc.) against the expected behavior (Requirements). “100% Automation is not possible” is one of the fundamentals in Software Testing. This makes it vital for Manual Testing.
Manual testing is of 3 types, they are:
White Box Testing
Black Box Testing &
Grey Box Testing
White Box Testing: White Box Testing has a medium level of details in a set of data. It is done by end-users (called user acceptance testing), testers & developers. It is neither less exhaustive nor more exhaustive. On account of high-level knowledge of the internals, it provides a better quality/depth in test cases. Functional or business domain testing is deeply suited. It has a better variety of inputs and the ability to extract test results from the database for comparison with expected results. It is also called translucent box testing. Due to lengthy code, it takes a long time to design test cases.
Black Box Testing: Black Box Testing has a low level of details in a set of data. It is done by end-users, testers & developers. It is likely to be less exhaustive. As the internals are not known, it is based on requirements, test cases on the functional specifications. Functional or business testing is suited. Validating the outputs for given inputs are involved in this testing. The application is being tested as a black box technique. It is also known as opaque-box testing, closed-box testing, input-output testing, data-driven testing & behavioral testing. Time consumption depends upon the ability of the functional specifications.
Grey Box Testing: Grey Box Testing has a high level of detail in a set of data. It is generally done by testers & developers. It is more exhaustive. It can exercise code with a relevant variety of data. It is used for all. It involves structural testing and enables logic coverage, decisions, etc., within the code. It is also called glass-box testing, clear-box testing, design-based testing, logic-based testing, structural testing & code-based testing. Test cases designing can be done in a short period.
Black Box Testing: Black Box Testing is of 2 types, they are:
Functional Testing &
Non-Functional Testing
Functional Testing: Functional Testing is which ensures the requirements and specifications are properly satisfied by the application. It ensures that the functions and features of the application work properly. The actions & operations of an application are verified. It is based on the requirements of the customers. It helps the behavior of the application to increase. It is easy to execute manually. It tests what the product does. It is based on the business requirement. It tests whether the actual result is working according to the expected result or not. Example: A login page must show text boxes to enter the username & password.
Non-Functional Testing: Non-Functional Testing is performed to verify the non-functional requirements of the application. The other aspects of how well the application works are examined. It verifies the behavior of an application. The customers are the expectations that are based on. It helps the performance of the application to get improved. It is hard to execute manually. It describes what the product does. It is based on the performance requirement. It checks the response time, & the speed of the software under specific conditions. Example: Tests if a login page is getting loaded in 5 seconds.
Functional Testing is of 3 types, they are:
Unit Testing
Integration Testing &
System Testing
Unit Testing: Unit Testing is also called component testing. To check whether it is developed correctly or not, it is performed on a standalone module. It is done by developers, but in the practical world, the developers are not sure to test their code or they do not have time to do the unit tests, much of the unit test is done by the testers. Example: Login module for which the typical unit test cases would be, check the response for valid login id & password, check the response for invalid login id & password, check response when the login button is empty & login button is pressed.
Integration Testing: Integration Testing is when individual modules are combined & tested as a group. Complete testing is done when the data is being transferred between the modules. It is carried out by testers. ‘String Testing’ and sometimes ‘Thread Testing’, is also termed as ‘I & T’ (Integration & Testing). A typical software project is coded by different programmers that consist of multiple software modules. It becomes necessary to verify the software modules work in unity. It focuses on checking data communication amongst these modules.
System Testing: System Testing is the testing of a complete & fully integrated software product. The sole purpose is to exercise the full computer-based system which is a series of different tests. For testing the fully integrated applications including external peripherals to check how the components interact with one another & with the system as a whole, the software code is involved. This is also called end-to-end scenario testing. Verifying through testing every input in the application to check the desired output. The user’s experience with the application is tested.
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Integration Testing is of 2 types, they are:
Incremental Testing &
Non-Incremental Testing
Incremental Testing: Incremental Testing is one of the approaches of integration testing & incorporates its fundamental concepts. It is like a test that combines module & integration testing strategies. It uses several stubs & drivers to test the modules one by one. This helps us in discovering any errors & defects in our modules. It is commonly used in the software field during the testing phase of integration testing which is performed after unit testing. The most important quality of it is that the defects are found early in a smaller assembly when it is relatively easy to detect the root cause of the same.
Non-Incremental Testing: Non-Incremental Testing is also known as big bang testing. It is executed whenever the relationship between the modules is not clear. Such as when data is created in one module & is combined with all the other modules to check as well as test the flow of data between them. Integration testing is used when most of the developed modules are coupled together to form a complete software system or a major part of the system. For saving time in the integration testing process, this method is very effective. However, if the test cases are not properly recorded, the entire integration process will be more complicated & may prevent the testing team from getting their desired goals or results of integration testing.
Incremental Testing is of 2 types, they are:
Top-Down &
Top-Down: Top-Down is the modules that are tested from top to bottom. At first, the higher-level modules are tested then the lower-level modules are tested & then the modules are integrated accordingly. It is beneficial if a significant defect occurs towards the top of the program. At the first, the main module is designed, then the submodules/subroutines are called from it. It is implemented in structure/procedure-oriented programming languages. The complexity of it is simple. It works on larger to smaller components.
Bottom-Up: Bottom-Up is the modules that are tested from bottom to top. At first, the lower-level modules are tested then the higher-level modules are tested & then the modules are integrated accordingly. It is beneficial if the crucial flaws are encountered towards the bottom of the program. The different modules are created first then these modules are integrated with the main function. It is implemented in object-oriented programming languages. The complexity of it is complex & highly data intensive. It works on smaller to larger components.
Non- Functional Testing is of 3 types, they are:
Performance Testing
Usability Testing &
Compatibility Testing
Performance Testing: Performance Testing is that ensures software applications perform properly under their expected workload. It is carried out to determine system performance in terms of sensitivity, reactivity & stability under a particular workload. It is the process of the quality & capability of a product being analyzed. It is performed to determine the system performance in terms of speed, reliability & stability under varying workloads. It is also known as perf testing. The objective of it is to make software rapid, stable & reliable. Before the product is launched in the market, it uncovers what is needed to be uncovered.
Usability Testing: Usability Testing is done from an end-user’s perspective to determine if the system is easily usable. Software applications are being used to expose usability defects to target a small set of end-users. It mainly focuses on users’ ease of using applications, the flexibility of application to handle controls & the ability of an application to meet its objectives. It has some benefits & the main benefits and purpose of it are to identify usability problems with a design as early as possible, so they can be fixed before the design is implemented. It is often conducted on prototypes rather than in finished products. The phases of it are: prepare a product or design to test, find participants, write a test plan, take on the role of moderator & present your findings.
Compatibility Testing: Compatibility Testing is performed on an application to check its compatibility (running capability) on different platforms/environments. It is done only when the application becomes stable. In simple terms, it aims to check the developed software application functionality on different software, hardware platforms, network, browser, mobile devices, operating systems, etc. this is very important in product production & implementation point of view as it is performed to avoid future issues regarding compatibility. It is necessary because it ensures complete customer satisfaction, provides service across multiple platforms, identifies bugs during the development process.
Performance Testing is of 4 types, they are:
Load Testing
Stress Testing
Scalability Testing &
Stability Testing
Load Testing: Load Testing is that determines the performance of a system, software products, or software application under real life-based load conditions. It determines the behavior of the application when multiple users use it at the same time. The response of the system is measured under varying load conditions. It is carried out for normal & extreme load conditions. The objectives of it are: to maximize the operating capacity of a software application, to determine whether the latest infrastructure is capable to run the software application or not, to determine the maintenance of an application concerning extreme user load, to find out the total count of users that can access the application at the same time, to determine the scalability of the application, to allow more users to access the application.
Stress Testing: Stress Testing is that verifies the stability & reliability of software applications. The goal of it is measuring software on its robustness & error handling capabilities under extremely heavy load conditions & ensuring that the software does not crash under crunch situations. It tests beyond normal operating points & evaluates how the software works under extreme conditions. It concentrates on finding defects related to data locking & blocking, network issues & performance that slow down progress in an application. The most important use of it is to determine the limit, to which the systems or software, or hardware break. Under extreme conditions, it also checks whether the system demonstrates effective error management. It is also known as torture testing or endurance testing.
Scalability Testing: Scalability Testing is that measures the performance of a system or network when the number of user requests is scaled up or down. The purpose is to ensure that the system can handle projected increases in user traffic, data volume, transaction counts frequency, etc. it tests the system’s ability to meet the growing needs. The objectives of it are: to control how the application balances with an increasing workload & at what point the software product or the system stops scaling & identify the reason behind it. It is needed to signify the user limit for the software product. To find out the client-side degradation, end-user involvement under load & server-side stability. The usages will make sure the ability of software to scale up with the increasing workload and data traffic.
Stability Testing: Stability Testing is defined as the ability of the product to continue to function over time without failure. It is to check the quality & behavior of the software in different environmental parameters. It is done to check the efficiency of a developed product beyond normal operational capacity which is known as a breakpoint. It has high significance in error handling, software reliability, robustness & scalability of a product under heavy load rather than checking the system behavior under normal circumstances. It has stability problems. It is majorly intended to check whether the application will crash at any point in time or not. The objectives of it are: to ensure the system can handle big programs or not, to operate the effectiveness of the system or software application, to check the stability of the system under stress, to yield confidence in the stability of the system or software application under test.
Software Testing Training Course Syllabus
Manual Testing
White Box
Black Box
Grey Box
Functional Testing
Non- Functional Testing
Unit Testing
Integration Testing
System Testing
Incremental Testing
Non-Incremental Testing
Performance Testing
Usability Testing
Compatibility Testing
Load Testing
Stress Testing
Scalability Testing
Stability Testing