Web Development Training Course in Bangalore
Learn the essentials of Web Development | To Develop and Design a Website
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Web Development Languages to learn:
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, Angular.
HTML: HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a standard markup language where the documents are designed to be displayed in the web browser. If you are interested in web development, then this is where you can begin your journey. It is mostly based on designing a web page’s structure and content by using the Tags. It is mainly used to provide static web content.
CSS: CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language for describing how the document is presented & written in a markup language such as HTML. At the beginning of a basic level, it is easy to learn. This technology was designed because it could be accessed by everyone, and anyone could create their styled web pages on their way on the internet. If you want to learn advanced CSS, then it will take you more time.
JavaScript: JavaScript was originally called Live Script, the Script suffix suggests that it is not a Programming language, that a scripting language is less than a Programming language. It is one of the core technologies of the WWW (World Wide Web), alongside HTML & CSS. Over 97% of the websites use JavaScript on the client-side for web page behavior, it often includes third-party libraries. It provides an interface for the end-users to interact by generating dynamic content for the users. It runs in the browser. It provides a dynamic environment to handle dynamic events on the web pages.
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Web Development Training Course in Bangalore
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PHP: PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a general-purpose Scripting language for web development. Making dynamic & interactive web pages is being used. It is among the first server-side languages where HTML is embedded which makes it easy to add functionality to web pages without the need to call the external files or data. It supports the database and accepts both upper-case and lower-case variables. It does not execute within the browser. PHP & Python both can be used for backend development. But there are going to be cases where one is going to be a way better option than the other.
SQL: SQL (Structured Query Language) is a domain-specific language or standardized Programming language that is used for Programming & designing for managing the data that is kept in RDBMS (Relational Database Management System). In general, it is a database that is used to store data. It is also known as SQL databases; relational systems comprise a set of rows and columns that makes a table. Communication with a database is used. SQL statements are used to perform tasks like retrieving data from a database or updating data on a database. According to ANSI (American National Standards Institute), it is a standard language for RDBMS. Speaking in general, SQL is an easy language to learn if you have studied other Programming languages earlier, but if you are new to Programming language then it will take you some time. The designing part for managing data is done in RDBMS.
Angular: Angular is a Typescript based, open-source Web application Framework led by a community of individuals and corporations & led by the Angular team at Google. It is a complete rewrite of the same term that built AngularJS. It is used for building single-page client applications by using HTML & TypeScript. It is written in TypeScript. It implements core & optional functionality as a set of TypeScript libraries that you import into your applications. It is considered a Front-end Framework. There are no special features that are present in the backend language. Angular4 is a Front-end Framework that is provided by Goggle, it helps a lot in making the fastest single-page application & it works 100% perfectly. Learning Angular depends on how much basic knowledge you have on JavaScript, so it would be easy to learn.
Web Development Training Course Syllabus
Web Development Training Course in Bangalore
Introduction to HTML
HTML Elements, HTML Attributes
HTML Headings, HTML Paragraphs
HTML Formatting, HTML Fonts
HTML Styles, HTML Links
HTML Images, HTML Tables
HTML Lists, HTML Forms
HTML Frames, HTML Iframes
HTML Colors, HTML Color names
HTML Color values, HTML Quick List
HTML Layout, HTML Doctypes
HTML Head, HTML Meta
HTML Scripts, HTML Entities
HTML Media, HTML Audio
HTML Object, HTML Video
HTML YouTube, HTML Media Tags
HTML5 Syllabus Covered
HTML5 Introduction
HTML5 New Elements, HTML5 Video
HTML5 Video/DOM, HTML5 Audio
HTML5 Drag and Drop
HTML5 Canvas vs. SVG
HTML5 Geolocation
HTML5 Web Storage, HTML5 App Cache
HTML5 Web Workers, HTML5 SSE
Introduction of different Web Technology
What is PHP, How PHP Works
PHP Syntax, PHP Variables, PHP String
PHP Operators, PHP If...Else, PHP Switch
PHP Arrays, PHP While Loops, PHP For Loops
PHP Functions, PHP Forms, PHP $_GET
PHP $_POST, PHP Advanced, PHP Date
PHP Include, PHP File, PHP File Upload
PHP Cookies, PHP Sessions, PHP E-mail
PHP Secure E-mail, PHP Error, PHP Exception
PHP Filter
Introduction to CSS
CSS Syntax, CSS Id & Class
CSS Styling, Styling Backgrounds
Styling Text, Styling Fonts
Styling Links, Styling Lists
Styling Tables, CSS Box Model
CSS Box Model, CSS Border
CSS Outline, CSS Margin, CSS Padding, CSS Advanced, CSS Grouping/Nesting, CSS Dimension, CSS Display, CSS Positioning
CSS Floating, CSS Align, CSS Navigation Bar, CSS Image Gallery, CSS Image Opacity
CSS Image Sprites, CSS Media Types
CSS hacking, CSS , FTP Management
Understanding FTP, Setting up FTP Server (Live), Uploading and downloading FTP contents, Deployment
Deploying application on Web Server
Live Project, Preparing HTML from Design
Hosting on Live Server
Introduction to SQL
SQL Syntax, SQL Select, SQL Distinct
SQL Where, SQL And & Or, SQL Order By
SQL Insert, SQL Update, SQL Delete
SQL Demo, SQL Try It, SQL Advanced
SQL Top, SQL Like, SQL Wildcards
SQL In, SQL Between, SQL Alias
SQL Joins, SQL Inner Join, SQL Left Join
SQL Right Join, SQL Full Join, SQL Union
SQL Select Into, SQL Create DB
SQL Create Table, SQL Constraints
SQL Not Null, SQL Unique
SQL Primary Key, SQL Foreign Key
SQL Check, SQL Default
SQL Create Index, SQL Drop
SQL Alter, SQL Increment
SQL Views, SQL Dates
SQL Nulls, SQL isnull()
SQL Data Types, SQL Functions
SQL Functions, SQL avg()
SQL count(), SQL first()
SQL last(), SQL max()
SQL min(), SQL sum()
SQL Group By, SQL Having
SQL ucase(), SQL lcase()
SQL mid(), SQL len()
SQL round(), SQL now()
SQL format(), Stored Procedure
Function, Trigger
Views, Cursor
Session 1: Variable Naming Rules and JavaScript Data Types
Session 2: Expressions and Operators
Session 3: Flow Control
Session 4: Objects and Arrays
Session 5: Defining Functions and Methods
Session 6: Constructors and Inheritance
Session 7: Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions
Session 8: JavaScript in Browsers
Session 9: The Document Object Model (DOM)
Session 10: How to Get Input and Output
Session 11: Managing Web Page Styles using JavaScript and CSS
Session 12: Handling Web Page Events
Session 13: How to Script Tables
Session 14: How to Script Forms
Session 1: Introduction to Angular
Session 2: Creating and Communicating Between Components
Session 3: Exploring the New Template Syntax
Session 4: Creating Reusable Services
Session 5: Routing and Navigating Pages
Session 6: Collecting Data with Forms and Validation
Session 7: Pipes
Session 8: Dependency Injection
Session 9: Communicating with the Server Using HTTP, Observables, and Rx